"Decaying Moon" by Oty 
The Moon was formed 4.54 billion years ago or around 85 million years after the Earth was. The formation of the moon is still speculated but the most widely accepted theory is that a planet similar in size to Mars called Theia collided with the Earth causing debris to launch into Earth's orbit where it collected and created the Moon. A recent NASA simulation suggests that this whole process could of happened within a matter of hours.
This piece was created by merging 2 different moons together which were in different phases. The fuller waning gibbous is combined with a smaller waxing crescent to create the bright almost full moon effect.
The colours in this piece are natural and almost portray the 'ageing' and 'decay' of the moon. The blue shades of colour are scattered but also heavily feature in the Mare Tranquillitatis - the blue circular-ish shape towards the bottom middle, due to a higher metal content within the basaltic soil and rocks. This is also the first location on another planet to be visited by the human race during the 1969 Moon landing.
Resolution : 6000 x 4000

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