"A Slice Of The Moon" by Oty
This single photograph was created by stacking 7,500 of the sharpest frames during the waning crescent phase of the moon when the moon can appear as a thin slice in the sky. This slice was then merged with a fuller waxing gibbous moon acting almost as a dark side creating the 3D effect.
The largest crater we can see towards the top of the moon is called Schickard crater, measuring 1.5 km deep and 212 km across about the width of Switzerland. We can just about see different shades of black and grey within the crater itself, the darker areas are where the crater was once flooded by lava which then cooled. The lighter areas are a result of highland material that was blown in from the formation of the Mare Orientale basin
This phase is nicknamed the "old moon" because it gives us a last glimpse of a lunar cycle. It is followed by the brief phase of the new moon, marking the start of the next lunar cycle.
Resolution : 4179 x 5957

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